Dramatic structure of the event on the ceramics surfaces Assyrian and Greek



Assistant Professor - Plastic Arts Baghdad University


Assyrian art filled an important area in the world and the human art, was a ceramic art has reached to the top of chromatography and formal innovation and creativity, as if a Greek pottery is characterized by innovations and its chromatography and objective uniqueness, The research aimed to know dramatic building of the event in the scene of Assyrian and Greek Ceramics and the comparison between scenes in Assyrian and Greek ceramics , then its chapters: the first, Assyrian community and mythology, Second, the art of ceramic between two civilizations, Then the third section : analysis of Assyrian and Greek ceramic samples , then fourth section: results and conclusions, the most important of it are:
- Dramatic structure of the event in the Assyrian ceramics was emphasized on the empire majesty represented by the kings ,worship sessions and kings escorts . Always the most important event is document the lives of kings, While the dramatic structure in Greek pottery deals with daily life topics and the relationship of individual with each other and with the followers around them ( the plant and animal).

Main Subjects

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مواقع الانترنت