The Ergonomics considerations for Egyptian Banknote design to suit partially sighted



Assistant teacher, Department of Printing, Publishing and Packaging, High Institute of Applied Arts, Fifth Settlement


The design and production of banknote should meet the needs of all categories of the community according to their opinion in terms of availability of safety with high degree.
On the other hand, it should consider the needs of all users in terms of easy handling it in buying, selling and the ability to distinguish each of the denomination as well as its durability.
There are many requirements for design of currency in order to align the needs of the user. The banknote designer search for a balance between user friendliness and technology.
The research problem is unsuitable of Egyptian banknote for partially sighted, and the difficult facing them to determine its different denominations. Aim of the research is to expand and focus on the Ergonomics considerations for Egyptian banknote design to suit partially sighted. Analytical study was conducted for some Egyptian and foreign banknotes categories in terms of size, color and the degree of contrast between denomination numeral and its background. The Results indicated that enlarge the size of numeral of denomination have a positive impact on the satisfaction of a large number of users. The recommendation of the study includes good planning before issuing new banknote design, through framework of coordination between the central bank and experts in the technical and security field with participation of blind, partially sighted and a group of community members to find out their needs and the possibility of meeting it effectively.


Main Subjects

أولاً: المراجع العربیة
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الطبعة الأولى، 2011 .
ثانیاً: المراجع باللغة الأجنبیة
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ثالثاً:المراجع الالکترونیة