Intergration of basic elements design of Tie and dyeing style to creat printing designs for women's clothes .



Instructor at the High Institute of Applied Arts, Department of Fashion, specializing in textile printing, drafting and processing The High Institute of Applied Arts, 6th of October City, 6th of October City, Arab Republic of Egypt


Is undoubtedly that we live in the age of technology and computer enriched the toll visual designs, so we have become we can see many pictures and designs on the screen with the possibility of changes and the amendment.It includes research problem of how to achieve the ability of observation and imagination and discoveries relation and arranging ideas designer artist and feelings and organization through the use of basic elements design, ,all kind of lines and geometrical shapes and merge them with manner the Tie and dyeing than traditional methods in experimental innovative ways .
And research aims to get a printing innovative designs for women's clothing with aesthetic values fit the desires of the market and the consumer and also achieved the beauty and innovation an element.To achieve this goal applied the experimental method to reach the target textile printing is designed to use experimentation and the pemanent training and arrange his thoughts and his aesthetic instincts iatent within it in the creativity and innovation the shape of forms the printing design for women's clothing
It is the search results the experience has shown that the basic elements of the design and style of Tie and dyeing of lush material that helped the artist to experiment freely and take adecisions creative in work printing designs for women's clothing suitable for the desires of the market and the consumer , fashion and

Main Subjects

المراجع :-
1 اسماعیل شوقى التصمیم عناصر واسسه فى الفن – - -
التشکیلى دار الکتب المصریة القاهره – - 2000 م
2 عبد العزیز جودة حسین حجاج مصطفى حسین – – – -
تصمیم طباعة المنسوجات الیدویة دار النشر القاهره – -
3 صباح عبد العزیز بحث منشور مجلة علوم – – -
وفنون جامعه حلوان المجلد الحادى والعشرون – – –
العدد ) الاول ( 2009 م
4 هدى عبد الرحمن تصمیم طباعة المنسوجات – – -
المتحدة للطباعة والنشر القاهره – - 2000 م
5 هدى عبد الرحمن مقدمة فى طباعة المنسوجات – – -
المتحدة للطباعة والنشر القاهره – 1995 م
مواقع الانترنت : -
