Aesthetic elements in a collection of folk art to printed textile fabrics design



المعهد العالی للفنون التطبیقیة – 6 أکتوبر


The popular culture of folk art has accumulated over the lifetime of humanitarian and accomplished people throughout the ages, and is characterized by authenticity with continuity status because it is a product of the interaction of people and unity and masjid along and diversity aspects of his own. The main problem of the research in the monitoring and analysis of Folk Art vocabulary through decoration to maintain the continuity of the heritage of the humanitarian element. And the emphasis on popular icons aesthetic value of art and how to access scribal product for the design of printed fabrics pendants consistent and modern techniques. The research aims to draw motifs, including in respect of symbols and semantics of the vocabulary of configurable popular and useful in the work of innovative designs for pendants printed fabrics, and that reflect the features of the Egyptian identity. And preserving the folk heritage of the environment by monitoring decorative elements According to the search results to the possibility of benefiting from the popular motifs as one of the important sources of heritage, which can be employed in the technical fields Almokhtlvhalty express personal profiles Egyptian.

Main Subjects

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