Leverage the potential of e-marketing in the promotion of fashion fantasy (Critic and Analysis Study)



The Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Fifth Settlement


The study tackles two parts. First one is e-marketing, which opened new horizons in the world of marketing, contributed considerably to manage the interaction between producer companies and consumers in order to achieve mutual benefits and gave producer companies an opportunity to target consumers individually as it plays an effective role in building a positive mental image for them.
Second part of the study is fashion fantasy, which does not subject in its artistic standards to wearing and usage standards in everyday situations. As an artistic phenomenon related to fashion art, it did not have its space in concern in Egypt and Arab countries.
Through research, these two parts were linked to explain to what extent e-marketing can be adopted as a means in order to establish and activate the field of fashion fantasy. This is done through determining actual situation of e-marketing of fashion fantasy for the public in order to obtain the highest promotional potential with maximum accuracy, the least cost and efort via websites of fashion making companies.


Main Subjects

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ثالث ا : مواقع الإنترنت :
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14. http://www.Gareth Pugh.com
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