Form the structure of a shift in the light of quantum theory as a source of decorative design



The Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Fifth Settlement


This paper deals with the study of the entrances experimental new in the field of art work of art has become a field for the exercise of experimentation different ores and add new techniques which led to the emergence of a lot of modern art concepts, and the artist was drafted for his art and constructive art of his works are always looking for new innovative to reach a creative and reflects the work of art Think about a sense of the artist by following modern theories such as quantum theory, which can provide new approaches to Darcy decorative design because the study of nature reveals the coherence between the constituent parts of the structure of construction and system component to him, which helps to formulate decorative paintings processors constructivism updated to create new designs solutions according to the laws nature of quantum theory in the building unit of the shape, and therein lies the problem of the research in the study and analysis of the changes that occur to the structure of the shift in the light of the quantity theory need to detect that arise from multiple aesthetics and derived from interpretations of the laws of Metamorphosis to reach new experimental entrances and solutions to design innovative and determined the research problem the next question of how you can take advantage of the study Metamorphosis structure in light of the quantum theory as a source for enriching the decorative design? So search Aalousol aims to new approaches to the design of decorative By finding aesthetic solutions to the changes arising from the transformation of forms to achieve the aesthetic and artistic values environment and study the changes shift the structure through quantum theory Mmivch new horizons in the field of decorative design, and determined Ntihh Search draw a new design formulations based on the system constructivist theory (quantum) and invest the transformation of the variables in the form of decorative design leads to deepen and broaden the perceptions of intellectual and creative designer

Main Subjects

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