Interactive techniques Applications in Printed Advertising "A Proposed Vision to Applied in Egypt"



Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Badr University in Cairo


The multiple applications of interactive techniques have shown significant challenges ahead in advertising, especially with regard to their integration in the printed advertising, the developed countries began to invest converting these technologies in the printed advertising design not only to attract and impress the recipient, but exceeded to achieve tangible benefit that makes the receiver in the case of satisfaction of the advertisement , the advertised product and interactive experience as a whole. At the same time the printed advertising in Egypt facing a lot of obstacles and challenges in the application of these interactive technologies. Which explained the research problem of the need to set out a vision of the possibility of activating the application of interactive technologies in the printed advertising in Egypt.
Consequently, this research aims to monitor the characteristics and mechanisms of integrating the multiple applications of interactive technologies in the printed advertising and their applicability in Egypt.
Research is divided to three main parts, the first part regard to clarify the associated concepts of interactive technologies and interactive advertising, while the second part reviews the analytical study of some models of integrating interactive technologies in print advertising in developed countries, Section III provides the proposed vision for the possibility of integrating interactive technologies in the printed advertising in Egypt.
The study concludes that foreign models in the process of integrating interactive applications in the printed advertising based on the characteristics and needs of the audience as well as based on the achievement of the sensory and psychological desires, also the research found that there is potential to integrate interactive technologies in printed advertising in Egypt.

Main Subjects

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