Architecture Formation For The Mosques Between Originality And Contemporary



College of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The research show that the architecture is an integral part of the social structure and one of
the physical phenomena that enabled the human to construct a shelter to protect his life. It
also shows the beginning of emergence of Islamic architecture, the stages of its development,
and its distinctive architectural character. The Islamic architecture consists of several models.
such as Umayyad, Abbasid, Kharijite, Eyyubi, Mamluk, and Ottoman model.
The research also addresses The stability and development of Islamic state have been
reflected on the architecture . Thus, the architectural developments moved to other countries
The impact of Islamic Architecture on European ,until they reached central Europe
architecture continued till the beginning of colonialism. The research refers to the The
The modern architecture separated from the previous model in terms of methodology .
postmodern model emerged as a reaction for the modern architecture .The postmodern
architectural model depended on the materials of the modern architecture .The research talks
about globalization and its effect on Islamic architecture .The research talks about the
problem in our time that is our trials to produce modern Islamic architecture is just packaging
buildings with Islamic decoration without regard to the content. The research talks about the
role of sculptor, architect, and renovators in looking to heritage with modern eye that respect
its universality, using technology in its favor not in its destruction, producing intermediate
architectural designs that hold the heritage in its substance before form and match the modern


Main Subjects

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المواقع الالکترونیة :
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-11- تم التصفح بتاریخ 1 .2
2017 م
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2017 م
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