The industrial design approaches and the concurrent design concept



College of Applied Arts Helwan University  


The research deals with the industrial design approaches in the concurrent design concept framework, where the concurrent design is a new approach to product design and development as a result of the tremendous development in products and in line with technological changes in the design environment. Concurrent design depends on improving product quality and reduces production costs to develop as soon as possible that respond to customer expectations, aims to emphasize the principle of synchronization in the performance of tasks and rely on work teams.
Concurrent design team forms of a range of disciplines in marketing, operations, production, research development and purchases, either within the company or by default via the Internet, Where the default team based on the tasks that have been identified, characterization, and each member of the team members absorb the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to it and know very clearly his role, and we must have the ability to available work efficiently as part of a virtual environment with the help of modern communication and technology tools under the control group protocols to protect all members of the team.


Main Subjects

-1 صالح محمد صالح محمد شحاتة ، تقییم استخدام مدخل
الهندسة المتزامنة فی تصمیم وتطویر الملابس الجاهزة دراسة
تطبیقیة ، رسالة ماجستیر غیر منشورة ، کلیة التجارة ، جامعة
المنصورة ، 2009 .
-2 لمیاء السلنتی ، " اطار مقترح لتطبیق تقنیات التصنیع
الحدیثة فی مجال تطویر المنتجات والعملیات الانتاجیة "،
رسالة دکتوراه غیر منشورة ، کلیة التجارة ، جامعة المنصورة
، 2007 .
ثانیا : الأبحاث والدوریات
-3 إیمان عبد الوهاب حجاج ، استخدام الهندسة المتزامنة
کسلاح تنافسی فی مجال تصمیم وتطویر المنتجات بین النظریة
والتطبیق ، بحث منشور، المجلة المصریة للدراسات التجاریة
، جامعة المنصورة ، کلیة التجارة ، 2000