Mechanisms of linking space elements in interior design of residential buildings and application technology



The Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 6th of October


The elements of points, lines, shapes and surface values are the basic elements that make up
any design, those elements that are formed through the second and third dimensions to be
determined and any architectural vacuum, and then proceed to the elements and determinants of
space for any internal space... These parameters are columns, walls.
The problem of research lies in the lack of proper mechanisms to link the design of columns
and wall treatments through the technology of their applications with the rest of the elements
and elements of the inner space of one of the floors and ceilings within the same inner space.
The research aims to highlight the role of interior designer by achieving the mechanisms of
true linking between these determinants within any internal space through the proper design
and design of the columns and wall design processors and the technology of modern
applications and linking it with specific design mechanisms with the rest of the internal
vacuum parameters such as floors and ceilings inside residential building.
The result of the research is to achieve the internal design of the technical integration of
technology between the determinants of the single space of columns and the design of the wall
with the elements of the floors and ceilings, which is reflected positively on the models and
design treatments of any interior space, the correct absorption of the values of the technology
of creativity in the design of columns and wall treatments within any architectural space can
To be reflected positively on the applications of models and elements of the interior design of
the environment of the place.


Main Subjects

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