The effect of the various executive methods of a single design on some of the natural and mechanical properties of knitting fabricsbeef jaquard



Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University  


Knitwear industry is one of the leading and important industries, which has made its way, achieved a tremendous development and invaded more global markets, and it has become the main rival of woven fabrics due to its low production costs and ease of use.
Also, design and its elements, rich with modern artistic values and development of new practical methods, help to compete in global markets because their inherent global artistic designs that can be employed in clothes materials.
The problem of the research poses the question of how it is possible to produce knitted jacquard weft fabrics with various physical and mechanical characteristics upon implementing methods for the same design.
The hypothesis of the research is that there are statistically significant differences between the type of structural construction of knitted jacquard fabrics and some performance properties, There are also statistically significant differences between the designs of implemented models with respect to natural and mechanical properties upon employing different implementing methods and structural construction of fabrics.
The aim of the study is reaching the best implementing method to attain performance properties of knitted jacquard. The study also aims at reaching the best structural construction that fulfills the best performance properties of clothes.
The methodology of the research is analytical and experimental.
The following conclusions have been reached:
1- The possibility of adapting a single design to produce several designs that vary in the natural and mechanical properties
2- Jacquard rib structural construction in a manner of (Miss) stitch, which is better in terms of thickness, weight, tensile strength and elongation and hardness than the rest of the research samples
3- Executing style using rib or single Jersey installation for jacquard gives natural and mechanical properties to be fit for the nature of usage in terms of thickness, weight, design and some other properties

Main Subjects

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