The modern digital technologies and their relation to the concept of the virtual museum



collage of Arts pplied University - 6th of October Information Center of the Ministry of Antiquities


The scientific development is affected by the scientific revolutions from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and through the technological and digital revolutions. Architecture has been affected by this intellectual and technical changes with them, The information age is affected the speed of technological development so that it has become a part that cannot be overlooked its effect on architecture, The techniques became an integral part of designer's tools to form a given thought in design process.
Using modern techniques even though they are for entertainment purposes do not impedes scientific research or data collection. In this century the modern technologies help people to participate in public and social fields for museums.
Since the early twentieth century until now the importance of museums have increased and expanded its functions to include new roles other than the culturalroles, they became representative of the social, educational, entertainment, touristicand economic roles. As a result of the numerous museums roles,numerous Types of museums increased in functional and technological requirements. These techniques development lead to emergence of new mechanisms related with the operations display such as 3D animation.
Automated systems such as virtual museums increased by using which is a clear example of the application of digital technologies in museums.
The virtual museum represents virtual space to display museums exhibits in a number of museums or different places.
The research aims to find an application of the concept of modern technology and techniques and design in the field of museums interior design through virtual museums.

Main Subjects

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ثانیا :شبکة العلوم الدولیة
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