Integrating audio visual arts between artistic creativity and techniques



Higher Institute of Applied Arts, October 6


The mission of advertising is to influence the thinking and attract people and leave a
positive or negative impression in the human mind. The pictorial advertising has
capabilities and the impact of its active and rapid power on the recipient. The technical and
artistic process has a direct effect in the process of storing, recycling and programming
information as needed. The advertisement is one of the dynamic engines in the process of
selling worldwide and thus achieve the target of marketing communication to the client.
The creativity in advertising is focusing on its role and ability to provide essential solutions
and unique, appropriate ideas for the marketing process. The creativity in advertising is a
cornerstone to successful advertising. The problem of research is in the integral of the visual
and audio arts between the artistic and the technical creation in the pictorial advertising. The
extent of the effect of the creative process is in the technical implementation methods of the
photographic advertisement and the role of the complementary of the arts on the artistic and
technical creativity in the pictorial advertising. The research aims to investigate the
technical and the artistic role in the process of creative pictorial advertising; deepening the
concept of production culture qualitative and not quantity for image ads, as well as
demonstrates the creative and technical aspect in the image ads.The importance of research:
Emphasis on the complementary of the arts in the stages of creative image advertising.
Some of the results are the emphasis on clarifying the impact of the artistic and technical
aspect on the pictorial ads. Emphasizing the development of the creative side to improve the
methods of producing the image ads, and emphasizing the modern techniques used in the
production of image ads.


Main Subjects

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