Advantage of Virtual Simulation to Support Interactive Learning Strategies



Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University


Interactive education strategies designed to help the learner to recognize forms of knowledge, information or various renderings and acquisition, stockpiling, retention. It enables the learner to organize information in memory and integrate it, Through a rich interactive environment which are relying on new technologies such as virtual reality environments and simulation and developed educational elements. Interactive learning is a way to support the educational process by the transformation of the process of indoctrination to the process of interaction and creativity and skills development.
Virtual simulation is one of the most influential on the field of education technology, The simulation led to the creation of three-dimensional virtual world that can be educated to fully co-existence with the scientific material, Does it happen by attracting growing attention and strengthen the visual senses three-dimensional vision and its impact on the achievement of sensory given to learner surprise and shock passion educational content.
The importance of research show through, the advantage of virtual simulation to support interactive learning strategies, Through participation of the learner and its interaction with the scientific material actively and makes decisions by himself rather than be just a passive recipient of information.

Main Subjects

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