The use of luminous yarns as a novel material to enrich the aesthetic figure of designing clothing accessories by using Auto embroidery techniques"



The College of Designs, Umm Al-Qura University


The design of clothing Accessories is an art that has occupied an important position in the
field of design, because it has an impact in showing the beauty and elegance of Clothes.
Therefore, it follows the fashion to suit clothes design and material. The materials that
used in making these Accessories are vary like metals or yarns and fabrics.
From this point, it becomes interesting to study the subject of the research “The use of
luminous yarns as a novel material to enrich the aesthetic figure of designing clothing
accessories by using Auto-embroidery techniques”. Which concern about studying the
merge of luminous yarns with silk yarns to make a new style of jewelry by using Autoembroidery
The research aims to enrich the garments by using new kind of yarns (luminous thread)
merging with silk threads to make decorative units. It concern about studying the
efficiency of the light fibers in using of the auto-embroidery machines with different
stitches to enrich the aesthetic figure through contemporary designs as a new trend in the
field of clothing Accessories..
The researchers designed (17 kinds of jewelry) by merging luminous threads with silk
thread by using embroidery technology and manufacturing as accessories, they found that
the using of luminous thread merging with silk thread on the embroidery machine was
successful for making decorative designs to use in manufacturing accessories that
compatible with modern fashion trends

Main Subjects

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