The Ornaments of the Islamic Architecture as one of the Tributaries of the Ornamatics methodology



Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The cultural development of the Arts today makes challenges that we can’t
recognize with diligence and creativity, Because of the great prestige and position of
the Ornaments throughout the different ages, It has become an instrument of
contemporary culture, It has become a contribution to the design strategy, so it must
be inspired, activated and cherished in a society in which technology has become the
main driver of changes and developments that are happening betweenwhiles, That's
why the Ornamatics methodology, which is one of the Modern design methods that
discover the possibilities of product design with a renewed focus on decorations to
reach designs with high-value aesthetic details and can be applied Islamic
decorations as a means of innovation in design and achieving a contemporary
identity allowing the opportunity to find a future formula The cultural heritage
coexists with the spirit of the times and its methods and within the framework of
achieving compatibility between originality and modernity, Hence the problem of
research is determined in the need for a design approach to the thought of
Ornamatics in which Ornaments used in a coordinated way to give suitable designs
for the era and its requirements, in order to emphasize the importance of research,
which is to emphasize the role of decoration in the methodology of Ornamatics to
find innovative aesthetic and functional solutions suitable for With the current era,
research assumes that Islamic decorations are flexible and employable in the
methodology of Ornamatics.


Main Subjects

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