Relationship between Psychology and Architecture and Interior Design


Bachelor of Applied Arts Damietta University Faculty of Applied Arts


Psychology aims at the study of human behavior and human nature, it enters into the daily life of man and has different fields and applications in life. There is no field at the level of education, education, economics, politics, security, art, justice, military and administration, but psychology has its applications in it. Psychology as it is today has been respected and appreciated by other sciences, pure and humane, especially after entering the laboratory since the era of Fonte (1879) and his birth from the womb of philosophy, which has been a fetus in its depths for centuries. The main reason behind this wide and extended role of psychology in various areas of life, is to man, being the engine and the first ground creator who is credited with innovation, invention, research and investigation. The psychological language of architecture is the sobriety of this language and its introduction of new and renewed architectural applications, by stakeholders, lovers and beneficiaries, which in the near future will facilitate the process of its circulation as a known and desirable language exchanged by architects throughout the Arab world.


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