proposed Electronic Syllabus in the History of Clothes and Textile to Make use of it in Teaching for the Girl Students of Clothes and Textile Department



College of Design and Home Economics, Taif University, Saudi Arabia


Although there is a tremendous development in the use of educational technology and an increase in the number of schools and Universities that use e-learning in the educational process, e-learning is still unused in many universities. Using the computer and the internet in teaching and learning has no longer become a luxury but a necessity imposed by tremendous technological developments. Hence, the problem of study is the possibility of designing an electronic syllabus to help girl students at the clothes and textile more effectively. Therefore, the study aims at designing an electronic syllabus in the history of clothes and textile to be taught for the clothes and textile department girl students. The importance of study is due to supporting the principles of distant learning and other teaching methods to keep up with modern strategies of learning. The study adopts the analytical descriptive approach. the sample of study is the clothes and textile department girl students who study the history of textile. The most important results included the presence of differences in understanding and assimilating the content of the e-syllabus higher than teaching by traditional methods. The audio visual effects have a clear effect on the extent of girl students’ assimilation of history of clothes and textiles. the most important recommendations included encouraging teaching of e-syllabi to reduce the rate of technological illiteracy among the learners.

Main Subjects

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