The functional and aesthetic performance of some of the manual knitwear produced from exhausts of knitted fabrics



College of Education, Umm Al-Qura University


The pollution of environmental phenomena that take a great deal of attention at the international level, a pressing problem take a serious environmental and economic dimensions and clothing represent the same economic benefit resources. The research aims to take advantage of exhaust clothing and textile factories and recycled as a form of participation in the reduction of output for this waste and environmental pollution through hand-knitted from producer exhaust knitted fabrics business. To achieve this goal, several of exhaust shear compilation of various knitted fabric of the garment factories were identified forms of the pieces which will be implemented (hat and scarf and drink foot) was used inverted stitch, knit stitch, purl stitch. and prepared questionnaire to measure the functional aspect and aesthetic value to conduct arbitration cutting executed were analyzed the views of the arbitrators statistically "by software (SPSS) to find a frequency distribution and the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and the expense of moral differences. The results showed that the Model No. 5 and 6, respectively the highest value recorded compared to other models where Results own side of the aesthetic and the level of job performance recorded and test variability was found that there were significant differences between the models implemented differences. Also having a positive direct correlation between the first axis and elements also show the presence of the same relationship and at the same level for the second axis and its components. So research recommends the establishment of seminars and conferences to raise awareness the importance of preserving the environment from pollution is routed to the owners of garment factories and students of specialized colleges with the need for cooperation between the factories and specialized colleges owners to exploit the remnants of these plants are maintained on the environment from pollution.

Main Subjects

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