Studying Some Standards of Trade Mark to Design Kids Wear



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Damietta University


Fashion design field is facing many future obstacles, especially after the world became a small village. That makes is necessary to think in new way to satisfy life requirements. By the beginning of the 20th century and the development of marketing methods, marketing men went to presenting trade marks for many products that satisfy the requirements of many customers. The appearance of global clothes trademarks was a result of some companies' studies to the customer requirements, and applications of scientific bases that facilitate producing special products have the functional and aesthetic advantages, so the trademarks became one of the most important items of global economic.
In the present work the problem of rare competitive Egyptian trademarks to global ones to achieve more income to the national economic is studied. Here we are interested in studying Some Standards of Trade Mark to Design Kids Wear. As the reach and varieties of this problem, it will be presented in two parts. This part presents the parameters of the trademark on scientific bases, the creation of a proposed trademark for kids wear is presented according to the proposed standards, through the interacting factors. Samples of the proposed kids wear designs are presented and analyzed, whereas the processes of fashion design, producing, and marketing will be presented in part 2.
The results show the standards of trademark and its importance, and properties in kids wear manufacturing. The creation and application of a proposed trademark on products of kids wear was made according to proposed standards. A group of kids wear with the trademark was designed, produced, and merchandized. It is recommended to study the processes and election of inputs to satisfy the products' requirements, as well as the pricing policies to satisfy the customer type needs.

Main Subjects

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