Arabic Calligraphy between the Identity and the Competitiveness to innovate new Designs for the printed weaved hangings.



Damietta University Faculty of Applied Arts


The Arab Letter was and still means the Arab Islamic Identity for Artists. The letter and its implications made the Arab professionals employ the letter in their artistic works for its elegance and it's aesthetical movement and its expressional value. The inherited Arabic calligraphy is a particular feature where the world has never found an Alphabetic, which matches or competes from its menu; where the functions of the writings of all nations, were limited to the communications whereas the Arab line has a great importance attached to it.
The Lettering: Is about expressing our plastic heritage since the first era and its extension for the current century. It becomes the main formation in our Arabic-Islamic heritage and civilization. Researchers showed that the Arabic calligraphy entered the word of formation because of the attention given to the religious text of the Holy Quran and because of the aspect of aesthetical decoration aspect before it was transformed into a paper or cloth art work which made the golden era for the development of the manufacture of profession or mottle. As time passed by, what they decorated was transformed to an art in which the letter had an esthetical objective which became since sixty years, is plastic artistic identity in addition to its national identity and many lettering experiences which transferred the Arabic Letter from the literate pronunciations meaning to the beauty of the picture and the formation of the shape where it previously moved behind the literature text (Quran Texts & Wisdom). What is new is the optical text (Readable or Non-Readable) which shows the potentials of the intellectual, spiritual and formational capacities of the Arabic calligraphy which arises from the roots of the Arabic letters in an attempt to develop building the letter as a symbol and meaning and the ability to forming and merging it in terms of its surrounding terms and symbols in a contemporary form.
The Plastic form is not only what is required, but the applied and functional artistic aspect which serves directly the society and its needs where the creative and renewable artistic plastic development must matches the applied aspect of the research using the Computer Technology to create printing designs for the female clothes, printed with letters where a group of the created designs were prepared for the female clothes, accompanied by the artistic analysis and which were employed to the printed ladies clothes.

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مواقع الانترنت: -