Contemporary formulation of Arab popular symbols in the field of electronic drawing



Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 6 October -


Instinctively that the popular culture and authenticity are the source of a creative arts in the fields of the various Arab countries to be considered a symbol of local culture practiced by artist to express the Arab culture through some of the various symbols, which dealt with popular artist in the expressions, To become one of the most important means of communication between the members of society to determine the general level of culture that grants in the future visions of Fine new, put the language of contemporary and distinct has thought deeply, who represents the vessel is able to embrace these symbols through the use of some of the tools of modern technology even keep pace with the era of information revolution to reach Forum quickly without dispersion include all aspects of creative Where is the problem of search in the following question: How can we preserve the authenticity of the Popular Arab code formulated in the field of contemporary plastic arts electronic draw? The research suggests that the area of the electronic draw of important areas, which maintain the originality of the symbols in the Arab popular formulations of fine contemporary And research aims to reveal how to invest the popular symbols in contemporary formulations, with the activation of the role of popular culture as a bridge between the past and present, Emphasizes the importance of research on the formulation of the popular symbols of Arab contemporary art in the formations of the area by your electronic draw you Research methodology on the descriptive analytical method by introducing a proposed vision for the employment of Arab popular symbols in the various formulations in the field of contemporary electronic draw cope with the current era, while maintaining its authenticity.

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