Creating a New Method To Distribute Motifs At Decorative Repeat of Jaquard Fabrics.



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University -


Decorative repeat design for Jacquard pattern design form is one of the most important elements of the primary design process for the jacquard fabric which the designer has to know as the design of the decorated form of the Jacquard pattern design is the complete plan to constitute decorative units and its distribution in the form according to the bases of the design and depending on its different elements. The Jacquard pattern design plan depends on the designer's ability to innovate as the good design that is built on scientific basis is the base of any successful piece of art so the paper is trying to create a new graphic decorative repeat design for Jacquard pattern design form. The study used of Permutation and Combinations science to distributing decorative units into repeat of Jacquard design to obtain a new Jacquard pattern design by using computer aided design as adobe Photoshop programs.

Main Subjects

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