The Artifact: What is the Truth about Artwork? from utilitarian to Aesthetic. A Contemporary Philosophical Issue



College of Art and Design, King Abdulaziz University. -Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Art work has content and existential intensity that cannot be overlooked. when artist innovate an art work he is not restricted to what the formalism implantation required only but he also wants to express a real development vision or content or a specific sign and considering aesthetic as one of the methods by which reality occurs in the art work. So art work formalism values cannot over sighted as they are considered as finesse values also we cannot reduce the art essence in being life and existence reality expression only as a great amount of art value lies in the expression methods and the aesthetic formalism requirements too.
 That is why our research problem indicated as following:
 Multiple opinions about art (definition, essence, inception, reality)
 The ability difficultness to recognize the hidden side behind art work appearance as it is art reality
 And this made our research aimed to:
 Simply recognizing the hidden side behind art work appearance as art reality
 Reaching the art work direct reality to find real art and determine its essence
That is why our research includes a historical introduction illustrating the engagement of art reality anciently with materialistic benefit as sailing tools which appeared in the Albaliulieta minimum or old stony era and the rituals based on the spirit return dogma and this also appear in the old stony era and these rituals require specific tools then prolix research about the art work origin and philosophic theories narration as Hygal, Kant, Hedger and Krotsha . the research focused on the analysis of philosopher Hedger as he straighten his philosophy that art is thing and this thing has value to the artist which means that this thing transform to art work. Concluding to what the research includes from Qur'an verses about things names that almighty Allah learned to Adam peace be upon him accordingly obtaining several results including: art
express reality. Artist and art work are one entity cannot separate them from each other. From recommendations according to the knowledge of some of art reality a lot of aesthetic meanings for the art work will get clear. Science interaction and indulging in its learning will be a support to all arts in general.

Main Subjects

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ثانیاً: المراجع الأجنبیة:
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