Mirror and the philosophical view of reality - the experience of contemporary art



College of Fine Arts _ Yarmouk University _ Jordan  


due to the importance of different materials in the production of the work of art, and based on their incorporation in the symbols and implications of the works of art, in both themes and materials, the researcher sought to explore the mirror as an important symbol in the history of art; through examining the theme of mirror in contemporary art, in three chapters, the first of which is concerned with the methodological framework of the study, and the terminological and operational definitions of the mirror, and the researcher listed the various uses of the mirror, and the thinking related to mirror in different historical stages (Greek Art, Islamic Art, and Contemporary Art). The study dealt with the explorations of mirror by contemporary philosophers and thinkers, in the field of the Psychology of consciousness, and in the philosophical interpretations of the world and its transformations. The researcher discussed his study sample which included contemporary art on the light of the defined aims of the study, which included the following: shedding light on the importance of mirror in Artistic thinking, and the exploration of implications sought through the use of mirror as an artistic implication. This study was carried due to the importance of mirror in the philosophy of art, with its philosophical, educational, and contemplative presence in human thought and the reflections of artistic production.

Main Subjects

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