The effect of studying fashion design courses on the clothing awareness of Saudi and Egyptian university students



Specific Education College - Damietta University


This research aims to identify the clothing culture among university student in the Arab Republic of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, also aims to identify the impact of the study of the Courses of the Fashion design to raise clothing awareness among university students, Is there any effect of the environment on the clothing awareness among specialists, The Results showed, the existence of differences signify statistically between the level of awareness of the clothing the students of Egyptian and Saudi in specialization and students of Egyptian and Saudi outside specialization in public clothing awareness and themes scale for the benefit of students within the specialty, as the results showed also, no differences signify statistically between the level of clothing awareness of the students Egyptologist within the specialization and students Saudi within the specialization of public clothing awareness and themes scale and Specialist clothing awareness and themes scale, as well as the lack of differences signify statistically between the level of awareness of the clothing the students Egyptologist outside the specialization and Saudi outside specialization in public clothing awareness and themes scale.

Main Subjects

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