the effect of sewing variables and skin properties on the quality of knitting joints for natural leather



Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University  College education qualitydamietta University


The research aims to study the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the skin of the goat and sheep with determining the quality coefficient for both qualitative and natural leather., And formed the research sample of two different material from natural leather "goat skin, and the skin of the sheep" and their relationship variables Find a digital needle (16.18), foot compressor (plastic, and has a calf), numberthread (22/3), (42/2), the length of stitch in poison (5,4,3 mm). Use descriptive approach to the experimental relevanceo the objectives of the research, where the study was conducted hardware testing laboratory for physical, chemical and mechanical natural skins for the properties, and industrial sewing machines. Where the study found that the tensile strength of the connection knitting for goat skin when using yarns needle (18) and yarns thread (22/3) and the foot of the compressor plastic and length of the suture (3 mm) was better by a factor of quality (90.29.), In addition to the tensile strength of the connection knitting for sheepskin when using yarns needle (18) and thread yarns (22/3) and the foot of the compressor with the calf and the length of the suture (3 mm) was at least a factor of quality (18.98).

Main Subjects

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