Inspiration of Contemporary Ceramics Artworks from Botanical Ornament in the Facade of Mushatta Palace


Plastic Arts Department Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan


The facade of Mushatta palace is marked as an important significant heritage of historical civilization Islamic landmarks and a rich artistic source of multiple and diverse Islamic ornament in the Umayyad period to motivate and inspire the artist and researcher to study and extract the aesthetics of Techniques arts. This facade is considered as a living example that embodies and represents the most important qualities and aspects as well as characteristics of the art of ornament in the early period of Islam, and reveals creativities and skills of the artist in the Umayyad period in the implementation of the style of elaborately ornamental sculpture and accuracy perfected in the production of distinct ornamental artistic panels which have multiple decorative elements such as botanical motifs the most important element that have been highlighted in this search to link between Heritage and contemporary artistic composition, as well as the combining of authenticity and innovation in the development of new contemporary ceramic artworks that are tied to our Islamic heritage roots. This paper presents a new deliberate artistic experience to show a new innovative technique in the formation and implementation of ceramics art works inspired by a botanical ornament in the facade of Mushatta Palace. It also offers a new vision of contemporary art and contemplative by studying an important Islamic heritage landmark as the ornament of facade of Mushatta Palace to enrich the art works, especially in the field of ceramic formation, because of the diversity and creativity of this type of ornament and also the flexibility of composition and formation, beside the precision and highly skilled in the implementation process of relief and prominent carving according to principles and rules of the artwork. The researcher recommends to create contemporary ceramic works inspired from the Islamic motifs as well as to guidance Fine Arts students to inspire their artworks from the heritage of Islamic civilization , and to highlight on the artistic heritage of Islamic civilization and its importance for the Arts.
