The Role of Nanotechnology in Clothing Functional Developing the Performance



The High Institute of Applied Arts - 6 October


Smart clothes and fabrics is growing rapidly in various fields , Wearable technology will become a commodity , like blue jeans , But our conversation is not limited to clothing manufactured from ores reserves form Or resist stains better only , But we also mean clothing that is integrated within the design of modern techniques , Which is known as "wearable technology".
Summed up the research problem in the lack of local references and research in this field , Which increases the need to intensify the effort and scientific research, On the other hand, Some colleges and institutes specialized in the field of textiles and clothing does not teach the principles of this type of technology and its uses , Leading to the graduation of human cadres is aware of the dimensions of this science and the importance of specialization .
The research aims to identify the areas of nanotechnology and its applications technology , Especially in the field of textiles and fashion concept and functional purposes, In addition to identifying Model design and production of smart clothes Plan
- The most important results :
1- The use of smart fabrics have a guarantor put Great solutions to the challenges faced by Through its ability to achieve the functional purpose for which they were designed to more accurately .
2- The fabric's ability to respond to the type of jobs they offer and determine the nature of that response , It was the result of the evolution of raw materials and technology, which has the ability to perform it.
3- The integration of science and engineering in nanotechnology will lead to The integration of nanotechnology, biology, information, medicine, electrons and education, A massive development in all fields .


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