Cultural identity designاn the Egyptian advertising and the extent of its presence (Case study on opening of the new Suez Canal advertisement)



International Academy of Engineering and Media Sciences


Egypt were not a country of Egyptian’s only, as a result of it’s geographical position and it’s
multiple resources, it was always been Ambition for foreigners and as other country for the
Arabs, who founded in it either as an authority or as capital or as settlers, as though they have
their influence on advertising, because as it was said about advertising that it is(people’s
mirror), and that influence increases and decreases according to the government system that
has been followed in Egypt. This is with regard to local advertising, while the international
Advertising it had included either a pharaonic symbols or the Nile or the Egyptian flag, then
the revolutions of January 25 and June 30 came with a new style for advertising design, that
the focus became on Egyptian flag and the Egyptian personality. And that was a reason to
search in the local and international Ads design of the opening of the new Suez Canal for the
extent of the presence of Egypt's cultural identity, and the reasons of that, As well as search
for the reasons of choosing ad’s characters, especially that the focus was on one category of
the Egyptian society.

Main Subjects

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