The Design Fundamentals of Kindergarten Buildings and Their Educational Impact on Forming and Developing the Personalities of the New Generation


PhD in applied arts in interior design and furniture Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Designs King Abdulaziz University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Kindergarten or preschool stage is very important and purposeful stage and not less important than any other educational grades. It is educational and social establishment aims to help the child to be properly qualified for enrollment the primary school. The philosophy of early childhood project relies on a set of key principles and concepts that reflect the vision of the future of education. The philosophy of early childhood project relies on a set of key principles and concepts that reflect the future vision of education and the strategy of early childhood development. The interest in childhood is an interest in the present and the future together. The stage of the first five years of is the most important stage in human life. Conscious society knows and appreciates the importance of childhood; therefore give it care and more care and attention than any other stage. This is the period of flexibility and the ability to learn and develop the skills. It is also the greatest period of activity and growth. The designer must study this age, to know the psychology of children of this age and stand on their requirements. The designer must follow all new updates in learning, in order to be able to provide the educational environment and contemporary technology requirements. For putting appropriate solutions, attention to fundamentals and typical standards required in the design of kindergarten. Pay attention to the basics and typical standards required in the design of the kindergarten, in terms of functionality and efficiency to identify ways and means of appropriate treatment, and functional requirements and elements of interior design in order to achieve educational goals, according to what reached by the civilized world.
The research problem arose from the apparent lack of many of the kindergarten buildings. Most of the buildings of kindergartens (about 75%) have been converted from residential buildings to be kindergartens. This result confirmed by statistics of Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in Egypt (2013). It wasn't built mainly to achieve the functional purpose, resulting in a lot of design and operational problems that do not meet educational goals, and doesn't help building and growth of the new generation. This comes only through the providing design principles and standards within the educational environment.
 To complete all the specifications and elements for interior design that takes into account the existence of the child and appreciate his personality. All methods and ways of education had changed and varied. Hence effect on the shape and design of the educational class.
The study aims to design Egyptian kindergarten buildings by global vision. So they can build a human that participate actively and positively in building of his society and country. Children able to communicate and interact with the modern age. We build in them planning and monetary thought skills stimulate creative thinking, and to provide them a secure life. You must provide them all means of play, entertainment, educational toys, to mobilize the potential of children. All of this contributes to creating the psychological atmosphere that can help on the growth of children, and encourages mental and physical creative.
The importance of research comes in response to the global transformation to develop kindergartens, and the development of methods and new ways to raise the child. The civilized world began to interest in developing of the kindergartens with the end of the nineties of the last century. They used modern teaching techniques, and the most important is the integration of advanced technology in the educational work of the child.
They transform traditional classrooms into classrooms that have the contemporary nature for the technology of modern techniques, even got to what you can see now by the proliferation of virtual classrooms and that rely on modern teaching techniques which are one of the basics that you can use to establish the future school.