To enrich the visual values of optical illusion in the connection between design Printed and draping for ladies' clothing



The Higher Institute of Applied Arts Sixth of October


The sources of inspiration and citation vary among designers, and the art of visual deception is one of the most important sources that constitute fertile material for this type of study, Because it is characterized by a purely visual relationship between the viewer and the artwork and aims to change the perception of the physiological visual of the viewer through the contrast or overlap of colors, shapes and elements, It works to stimulate the retina and the goal is to create a visual reaction to the psychological scenes and became a fashion designer keeps pace with the technical progress and technological development as I became aware of the extent of the need of the individual and his conviction of the new and sense of beauty and taste it through the technical touches provided by The impact of schools and trends in modern art is evident in its designs, whether in color or line or in shape or material to varying degrees.
Hence the problem of research in how to address the lack of linkage between the designs and formulations on the model stand using the line element in visual deception and how to take advantage of the techniques of visual deception in the development of creative and innovative designs used in the formation on the German.
And the importance of research in that it is considered a new artistic vision contribute to the use of concepts of art of visual deception in the field of specialization of fashion Institute, and it is a new addition in the field of printing and composition on the model stand and specialists and interested in this area
One of the aims of the research is to contribute to enriching the field of ready-made garments by studying the art of visual deception and its impact on the creation of creative designs on the model stand, the development of innovative formulations for the designs and the formation of the model stand for women's clothing based on the aesthetic concepts of visual deception art,
The research sample consisted of students of the second division of the institute. The design department of the fashion design course, where the students under the supervision of the two researchers designed a series of creative designs influenced by the art of visual deception and some works of pioneers of this art and it was formed on the model stand. The most important results are the achievement of innovative and creative visions in the students' The relationship between the printed design and the composition of the mechanics and the skill of female students in achieving this as the innovative formulations of the design of the printing and the composition on the model stand for women's clothing came to achieve the treatment of the same link between them, and recommended the researchers designer and designer medical And the teaching staff in the colleges and institutes of art and applied to work to develop the spirit of innovation among students through the courses to graduate creative designer, innovative and distinguished in the labor market.

Main Subjects

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