The capability effect of sewing non woven fabric on the quality of some types of medical clothing



Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University


medical clothing is a new field broke into the field of clothing industry and development of a fast pace and, because clothing is an important to protect the doctor and safety within the operating room so must have to know the material that consists of the gone and methods of sewing, especially , these clothes have standards and specifications are unique from others Of other clothes, so that Used in this research are four types of non-woven materials (smms- sms-ss - pp), and the weight and thickness of various each of them has used three types of machines are (Ofer 3 crank category 504 - Ofer 5 crank category 516-industerial sewing class 301) and the number of stitches 4.5 in the poison has been sewing in both directions length and weight and transverse been five samples of the work in order to reach the average reading for each type to arrive this results .
1- The material SMMS with using OVER machine 3 yarn and stitch length 5 take the first level and in quality 84,8 and it is the best in all properties
2- The material SMMS by using OVER machine 5 yarn and stitch length 4 take the second level and in quality 82,63
3-The material SMMS by using OVER machine 5 yarn and stitch length 5 take the third level and in quality 82,49
4-The material PP3 by using OVER machine and stitch 4 take the last level and in quality 44,12

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