The effect of using modern techniques in furniture Exhibitions' interior design



Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University


Furniture exhibitions are one of the most important reasons for the positive impact in the development of the economy system , as well as the development of commercial activity , which called for attention to them and to increase their revenues as away to move from the current situation to abetter future entity.
In view of the huge developments that have risen to the level of mutations in the field of technology in general, and the field of interior design specifically, this led to the emergence of new types of interior design such as intelligent interior design, kinetic interior design, interactive interior design, Virtual reality in interior design, which contributed to intellectual flexibility in Design was impossible to achieve through traditional media and it was possible to implement any design no matter how complex.
The research aims at shedding light on some of these new types and the results of their application to the furniture exhibitions, which is to achieve the dazzling factors that attract the public and contribute to presenting the largest number of products in an attractive and interactive manner and different finishing methods and thus will benefit the economic side of the state.
The research was based on analytical descriptive method through the analysis of some projects whose idea is based on advanced technology and modern interior design methods.

Main Subjects

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المجلد الخامس العدد الثانی أبریل 2018
Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta Univ. Egypt
(ISSN 2537-1061) (Print)
(ISSN 2537-107X) (Online)
Mississippi , Hattiesburg , MS39406 , USA, P.33
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مواقع الإنترنت
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22- ive/interactiv
23, -24
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- -31 museum-virtuel
32- 11/05/muva_1_sala_ignacio_iturria.gif