Using some of Illusion Arts as an Inspirational Source for Fashion Design



Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University-Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni Suef University


Fashion is considered one of the most inspired needs for human, As Long the fashion used to be as a language used by human to deliver specific message to satisfy the human needs in adaptation with environment.
Illusion arts are considered one of the entrance to enrichment the fashion field, and in this study there is a descriptive display to optical illusion and its definition, types, features, it’s relation with designing fashion, and the fractal theory and it’s definition, classification, properties, it’s relation with designing fashion field, prepare an applied study to use the illusion arts as an inspirational source in designing fashion.
In this frame 14 designed group has been done for children kids (girls) in the age stage from 7 to 11 year, and this designs inspired from the art paintings which express the fractal theory, and poll has been done to a sample of children whose has a relation to the different arts in the lecture palaces and the public libraries in different governorate to measure how they accept the suggestion designs.
The results pointed in general that girls in this age stage prefer wearing clothes which has the aesthetic appearance, cheerful and plural color which consider one of the most important advantage the artistic painting which apply the fractal theory , as such the results pointed to achieve the design group number “8” high accept score.
The study recommended to the need of deep the study of engineering systems, including Fractal theory and linked it to the fashion design, especially, as it is a source of inspiration seemed with rich.

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