The design of sculpture kid's toys historically and its relationship to a kid's kindergarten



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University  


The search takes about kindergarten and games inside it, and the role of the sculptor in it, Friedrich Froebel was the first one who called this definition "kindergarten", he called to make the child grows as plants freely without interference that may damage the healthy growth, kindergarten includes children between the third and fourth to the sixth and seventh years of age, and then Maria Montessori developed new ideas inside kindergarten, these ideas develop the senses and the perception of child through play.
Kindergarten is one of the most important distinguishing stage in human life, it forms him (psychologically, socially, emotionally, and physically), physically large muscles grow primarily through play and then the small muscles, so the sculptor should design in away that helps the child to grow healthfully, and in the field of designing things for kids, the designer should consider that the raw material be suitable for them and harmless, and there are different ways to manufacture all types of raw materials that used in the industry, and eventually the designer should realize the age that he designs for, and study all their own aspects, in the field of kid's designs we should be attention to all aspects and measurements forkids.

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الشکل رقم ) 1 ( : المتحف المصری
الشکل رقم ) 2 : ) تم
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الشکل رقم ) 20 :) تم التصفح
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