The Convenience of Sportswear Functional Properties with the Football Player Body



Specific Education College, Damietta University


It is observed in the recent period that athletes are buying sports clothes because of its multi-functional characteristics which shows featured athletic performance that helps in the competition and achieve better performance during exercise and championships , especially football clothes worn by players of all age groups and they do not know their characteristics . This research aims to measure the appropriateness of clothing worn by the sports performance while practicing sports and emerged from the main objective many sub-goals such as Measure the awareness of sporting types , brands , materials and the appropriate of the clothes characteristics which are available in the market . Also it identifies natural and physical properties related to sports clothes in markets , health and psychological problems faced by sports while practicing football. The practical study was done by a questionnaire on a sample of ( 100) students from the Faculty of Physical Education students. From the four grades and the results that were sports have enough information about special clothes for football and the quality of the fabrics and materials . They wear a special football socks and prefer to wear that
T - shirt and shorts which are made from blended fabrics (cotton / synthetic fiber).
Players prefer sportswear that is light-colored, easy to wash and care also they prefer to wear Sportswear which have fixed colors after washing, which are resistant to dirt, and does not change its size or change its dimensions after playing and washing . Athlete prefers sports clothes that absorb sweat, showing that the athlete preferred and used sports clothes which are made of a mixture of (cotton / synthetic fiber) and this is good for him from health and psychological side . Natural and physical properties have been verified by conducting tests on samples that was limited in three types of sports clothes. As well as showing that check impose study the existence of significant differences between the three players groups in favor of the third set, wearing sports clothes made from raw (a mixture of 65% cotton + 35% polyester) which showed physiological measurements of the best players after the end of training on the football, which took 8 weeks, an average of three games in a week for 90 minutes every gam

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