Technical feasibility study for a factory to produce dress (Almrodn) Girls



College of Designs and Home Economics at Taif University kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This research reviewed a technical feasibility study for unit production to produce the heritage Almrodn Saudi uniform, and distribute all equipments, machines, and industrial processes of flow raw materials in the best situations in the factory to produce the final products , The study included line productions to balance the arrangements of all processes, operation and machines to produce the heritage Saudi uniform Almordn, the technical feasibility study showed that all facilities to produce Almordn as manpower, machines and situation of the factory are available , It was found that, for the interior design of the factory that the best design plant is Straight line production, in this layout the machines are placed in a straight and garment components are placed clipped on hanger and transported on a rail, trolleys are used for material transportation, individual disposal baskets are provided to operation, to avoid the overlap between the operations and the loss of time and effort , The efficiency of the marker of the pattern was 85% as maximum as possible, which reduced the fabric waste to be 15% as minimum as possible, The time study of this feasibility included also number of sewing machines, all operation processes, types of sewing and stitches, and effective time for all products to get balance line production.

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