The Role Of Advertising to Improving The Image of Commercial Companies by Adopting The Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility



Damietta University Faculty of Applied Arts -


In recent times resulted in emergence the concept of Corporate social responsibility many Commercial Companies try to improve its image by adopting the concept of social responsibility towards the community in addition to its own business especially in bad economic and social conditions, and the need for society to all its members to participate in the development and try to rebuild community.
Where we find that commercial companies cannot work in a good atmosphere and achieve its role in the development of society unless it have positive image at the masses which understands masses the company's role in serving the community، and accept to cooperate with it throw the good image in the minds of the receiver which dealing with it so the advertising Considered the link between companies and the masses to define social activities and try to improve its image ،The research problem lies in the lack of application of the concept of corporate social responsibility in most companies in Egypt ، despite the spread of the concept of social responsibility abroad, and How the advertising can improve the image of commercial companies through advertising that are based on corporate social responsibility towards the society ،Research aims to emphasize the importance of corporate social responsibility for commercial companies to contribute in development of society and improve the image of those companies.

Main Subjects

أولاً المراجع العربیة :
-1 سلوی العوادلى : التسویق الاجتماعى دار –
النهضة العربیة مصر – - 2٠1٠ م.
-2 عبیر فیصل : علم الإجتماع وتنمیة الوعى
الإجتماعى بالمتغیرات المحلیة والعالمیة المرکز –
القومى للبحوث التربویة والتنمیة مصر – - 2٠٠9
م .
-3 علی عجوة : الاعلام وقضایا التنمیة عالم الکتب –
مصر – - 2٠٠8 م.
-4 محمد محمود مصطفى : الإعلان الفعال مکتبة -
الشروق مصر – - 2٠٠4 م .
-5 محمود یوسف : العلاقات العامة فی الشرکات
المحولة إلی نظام الخصخصة مکتب فیروز –
المعادی مصر – - 2٠٠2 م.

ثانیاً: المراجع الأجنیة :
6-Herbert Schantz :Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility-Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies-Vol.12-No.2-2008.
7-Philip Kotler :Social marketing influencing behaviors for good – 3 rd ed –sage publications-2008.
8-Rrenata kucerova: Knowledge and Application of Concept of the Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic- Enterprise and the Competitive Environment 2014 conference, ECE, 6–7 March 2014.
ثالثاً:مواقع الانترنت: