The role of interior design in the development of the administrative work environment aided by modern technology and communication systems



The Higher Institute of Applied Arts, 6th of October


States cannot and modern societies that check and keep pace with evolving depending on the individual capacity only, but must rely on good governance and the administrative organization of the work environment properly, which can achieve the aspirations of peoples and individuals.
There is no doubt that the interior design elements and vocabulary can create and help create an environment and business climate administrative successful, an anchor in it to make use of technology and modern scientific techniques, and the most important of which systems Visual Communication, which is no longer now one of the solutions elusive to achieve a system of administrative work successful, after that has now become accessible to employees in the administrative sector.
Since the processors poisoning Homeland sector administrative and employ elements of a design properly and integrate systems with modern communication and that of the most important systems of Visual Communication in administrative institutions, has become in recent times provides expenditure and reduces trips traditional work, which no longer enjoys a lot of encouragement as they were previously unknown, because of the environmental conditions in which we live and financial in this day and age, life has evolved with the development of modern technologies also evolved patterns of administrative work, but this has become a modern technology and systems from which cooperation and communication between the visible sector, the administrative staff of the most effective tools for communication.

Main Subjects

المصادر العربیة:
-1 أمین عبد العزیز حسن إدارة الأعمال وتحدیات -
القرن 21 دار قباء للطباعة والنشر الطبعة – -
الثانیة القاهرة - - 2٠٠4 .
-2 حسن عماد مکاوی تکنولوجیا الاتصال الحدیثة -
فی عصر المعلومات، الطبعة الثالثة نهضة –
مصر القاهرة – 2٠٠3 .
-3 حشمت قاسم ) الدکتور( کتاب ) مراکز -
المعلومات ) تنظیمها و أدارتها وخدماتها(( دار -
والنشر – 2٠٠8 م.
-4 راویة حسن الإدارة المعاصرة کمدخل –
استراتیجی لتخطیط وتنمیة الموارد البشریة الدار -
الجامعیة الإسکندریة – – 2٠٠3 .
-5 زین الدین عبد الهادى محمد کتاب ) الإنترنت - -
العالم على شاشة الکمبیوتر ( – المکتبة الأکادیمیة
- 199٦ م.
-6 عبد الحمید عبد الفتاح المغربی الإدارة -
الاستراتیجیة فى مواجهة تحدیات القرن 21 –
مجموعة النیل العربیة القاهرة – 2٠٠7 .
- 8 المصادر الأجنبیة:
1. Bois, Yve-Alain. Pierre Francastel, Architectural Design on Methodology of Architectural History. 1997.
2. 2- Educational Spaces, Volume 2, The Imaging publishing Group Pty ,Ltd USA ,2000