The effect of Dadaism on the Art of Commercial Television Advertising in Egypt



College of Applied Arts / 6th of October University


In every era of philosophers and creators in the fields of literature and art to provide clear definitions and parameters for beauty, and I've had the concept of ugliness in most time periods, defined as the antithesis to the concept of beauty, In the early last century, was born art movement embraces and in line with the concept of ugliness called the name of Dada "Dadaism" , and clearly more ugliness comes word anti-Hassan, beauty, and be in word and deed, photo, and ugliness is what alienates taste normal.
Dadaism came as a reaction blind to what I did the first world war of destruction, tamping all that is Sami and constructed of edifices tall, was the reaction of a group of artists that baptize to the construction and the creation of so-called art, which is opposed to the art itself to be symmetrical with those of war and destruction, it is the movement of distortion - both in terms of art and literature, or on a social level and therefore repudiated ethics - therefore repudiated Dadaism of all values and customs characteristic of the society at the time, which was sacred at that time.
It is known that the art of the Commercial Television Advertising is the beauty of the most salient elements that rely on it, The beauty is the dominant quality in it, but there are some of it broadcasts through satellite channels adopt recipe ugliness, declaring the principle of freedom excessive in renouncing our own East inherent in us ,declaim instincts and desires and gripping emotions explode and her words and images raw.
If we had some Commercial Television Advertising (Scarifier of modesty) in Egyptian society, which are derived toxins from the movement Dada, including the pro-principle (ugliness in art), we find ads television commercial for sanitary pads for the ladies, and underwear for men and women, and natural herbs and medicines and utilities for the husband or wife .. and others, the jazz label me such ads can not only be dubbed {Commercial Television Advertising (Scarifier of modesty)} which loyal to the principle of Dadaism

Main Subjects

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