Thermal coloration techniques and their role in the restoration of the archaeological stained glass



College of Applied Arts, Department of Glass


Most of the palaces and archaeological installations have been neglected over the years, and instead of being preserved as part of our archaeological heritage, they have been exploited by government agencies and educational institutions, thereby exposing their buildings and their glass windows to intermittent lead to negligence, damage and loss.
The thermo coloration properties may be similar to the glass properties, while it is unique to another component .Excessive proportion of materials emitted from the glass homogenous ratios causes them to deteriorate faster than the glass.
The restoration of the stained glass sometimes have errors that damage the impact and distort the aesthetic appearance, as noted in the palace of Aisha Fahmi restoration of the stained glass by construction companies and assign them to non-specialists strictly, Led to the use of alternatives to the colors and pigments for the restoration of the glass archaeological, which affected the credibility of the restorer and thus corrupted part of the human heritage.
The aim of the research is the techniques and data of application of the thermal colors used in the restoration of stained glass


المراجع العربیة والاجنبیة:
.6 هشام عبد الرحمن محمد اسماعیل رسالة ماجستیر –
دراسة تجریبیة لاستخدام الملونات الزجاجیة –
المصنعة من خامات محلیة وتطبیقها فی تصمیم
مظهر الأسطح الزجاجیة قسم الزجاج کلیة الفنون – –
التطبیقیة 1999 م، ص 5 .
.7 نیرمین سید عبد الباقی رسالة دکتوراة دراسة – –
الأسالیب العلمیة للمعالجات اللونیة الحراریة المطبقة
علی الزجاج الأثری المعشق بالرصاص " لوضع
منهج علمی لترمیمه وصیانته" ص – 92 .
.8 مصطفی عبد الرحیم رسالة دکتوراة تأثیر اللون – -
فی المسطح الزجاجی الناتج عن طریق الإزالة
والإضافة وعلاقته بالفتحات المعماریة الحدیثة کلیة –
الفنون التطبیقیة قسم الزجاج جامعة حلوان ص – – -
14 .
.9 رؤوف النحاس تکنولوجیا الزجاج ص – – 98 .
.10 عز الدین عبد العزیز حسن " إتجاهات حدیثة فی -
تصمیم وإنتاج أوانی زجاجیة للمائدة محلیة " ص -
100 .
6- Nancy Walke., All About Stained Glass . pag 6 .
7- Liddall Armi tage. Stained glass . pag 171- 172, I.B.D. pag 173 .
8- The same book of Nancy Walke , pag 4 .
9-Albinas Elskus., The Art of painting on glass ., chapter 2 pag 28 .
10- From: Archer.M., EnglishStained Glass , 1985. P. 2 .
المواقع الالکترونیة:
13- stained-glass-window-restored/