Environmental Friendly Techniques and Their Role in Enriching Contemporary Outdoor Advertising



Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The advertising industry have been developed and is rapidly changing in order to achieve more attraction and excitement through the use of some of the effects and techniques developed to fit nature with some simple additions and raw materials, to ensure the development of convincing solutions to the problems faced by environmental pollution by using old traditional ways of advertising.
This research seeks to employ a number of advanced techniques that are environmentally friendly in the art of advertising industry, which have been used in many countries and cities in order to implement and apply in Egypt to preserve the environment clean of pollution resulting from different industries and technological developments. The advertisement is supposed to be of an aesthetic and functional value that contributes in the beautification of the environment, not to pollute or leave any residues or special belongings that may not benefit anymore, and cause a distortion of the nature beauty of the environment around us.


Main Subjects

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مراجع الإنترنت
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