The Aesthetic Values of Rococo Art as Inspiration Source for the Design of Women's Clothing



Damietta University Faculty of Applied Arts Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University


This study presented analysis of some Rococo Arts؛ Furniture, Fashion, Architecture and Portraiture in an effort to reformultae lines and colors to keep pace with Casual fashion related with manual techniques as in the past under the so-called high-end sewing ( Haute Couture). Thus؛ we presented number of designs’ ideas bearing Cultural mix of the arts and fashion, With attention to the behavior of embroidery on the cloth as one of the methods of emphasizing the nature and aesthetics of Rococo decoration art and then and then make arbitrated by a number of specialized professors One of the most important results is achieving the cultural and applied artistic mix by implementing 4 designs of the best designs the highest efficiency, using materials Combine women's casual fabrics, such as gabardine, mercerized gabardine and some Haute Couture fabrics such as chiffon, organza, industrial Silk .

Main Subjects

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