The impact of the use of modern technologyp on human behavior in the internal voids



Faculty of Applied Arts Damietta University


Introduction: All nations became in light of what the world is witnessing today to scientific ,
technological and information revolution in the beginning of the industrial revolution ,
through the digital revolution and nanotechnology and the use of modern technology in the
collection lifestyles are racing to acquire this technology and take advantage of the amazing
potential in all fields .
Where most developing countries are trying to import and transfer modern technology ,
including the Arab Republic of Egypt without paying attention to its relevance to the local
environment and the nature of human and cultural legacy , the selection of what is
commensurate with the environment and with the customs and traditions of the community
achieves the desired goal of using technology without causing harmful effects that may
impair the fundamentals and the values of society , and its culture. The impact of technology
on human varies afflicting physiological infrastructure and public health as well as
psychological health and sometimes touches on the personal characteristics of the individual
, including behaviors into the space ( human may acquire a new behavior or abandon existed
behavior already ).
The problem of the research: the acquisition of certain individuals unwanted behaviors or
abandon positive behaviors as a result of excessive use of technology of all
Does the use of modern technology impact on the behavior and personality of individuals in
handling in the internal spaces? Are sensitivities included social and cultural life style? So
how digital technology, the use of different colors and shapes have affected on the
contemporary human behavior? As well as the use of self-cleaning materials that resulting
from nanotechnology in the internal spaces and their contents, and the output of it to human
behavior? Will it earn him idle that affects his behavior, activity and various dealings? The
use of modern technological means may affect lack of physical activity that earns him
qualities and characteristics were not there before.
The research aims: observe the various effects of the use of modern technological means in
the internal voids and their effects on human behavior negatively or positively, through the
work of the Survey and analytical studies.


Main Subjects

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Journal of Applied Art and Science - International Periodical Scientific Peer Reviewed - Issued By Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta Univ. - Egypt
المجلد الخامس العدد الثالث یولیو 2018
(ISSN 2537-1061) (Print)
(ISSN 2537-107X) (Online)
ثالثا : مواقع الانترنت :
/11/1/Stages-of-Change Model/Page1.htm-
work .php?p=work&w=246&pp