African Symbols as a Source of Inspiration in Design of Children's Clothes Using a Variety of Decorative Styles



Home Economics College University Al-Azhar


Africa has a charming nature in addition to its arts, ornaments, and artistic symbols
which made it a source of inspiration for designing clothes in general and designing
children’s clothes in particular because of its diversity and the simplicity of its lines and its
suitability for all ages in all shapes and psychological conditions in addition to trying to
apply these inspired designs with different decorative tactics according to artistic and
beautifying values of these decorative tactics.
The problem of the research poses the question of how to make use of African
Symbols as a source for designing children's clothes using different decorative ways. The
aim of the study is to innovate designed clothes suitable for children in childhood stage that
are based on decorative items taken from the African symbols in order to children clothes
with many different decorative styles. The research supposes that there were statically
significant differences between the designs in elements and the basics of designing. Also
there were statically significant differences between the use of decorative symbols in
making suggested designs and its suitability to age group. Also there were statistically
significant differences between the proposed designs in preference according to the
arbitrators. The research was based on the descriptive, analytical, applied method, and the
following conclusions have been reached:
- There is a variety of African symbols and that made them a new source of inspiration for
designers to design children’s clothes for childhood stage.
- The diversity in the use of decorative techniques has increased the aesthetic value of the

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