Origins and evolution of Book of Hours in France from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance



Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University


The research begins with a historic introduction of medieval Europe concerning
International Gothic Style in particular as a liaison link and prediction for the Renaissance.
It explains the origins of the manuscripts in the Medieval monasteries with its shrinking role
in the workshops of those monasteries and its development in secular universities and
schools until the age of printing in the Renaissance. It reviews the political, economic,
cultural and religious factors that had made France the most important manuscripts center in
Europe during that time ، and how the French art combined with the Flemish and Italian
arts .It aims to compare the Book of Hours in the Medieval and the International Gothic
Style with the Renaissance to reveal aesthetic values, distinguishing features and its
development concerning shape ،design, colors, techniques and gilding with constant themes
during all these ages. The Book of Hours contains daily prayers: breviary including
calendar, hours of the Virgin ،penitential Psalms, Litanies ،prayers for the dead ،Suffrages
of the saints, passages from the four Gospels : passion of Christ and two famous prayers of
the Virgin, prayers for the hours of the Cross ،the Holy Spirit and the Holy Trinity,
selections from Psalms and various prayers .The she-researcher selects famous examples of
the Book of Hours from many French cities such as Noyon ،Verdun and Paris as well as of
John Duke de Barry to study the texts ،topics, drawings, dimensions, ornaments, margins,
language, types of paper, initials and gilding.

Main Subjects

الکسندر ستیتبشفیتش ، تاریخ الکتاب ، ترجمة :
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-2 ثروت عکاشة – موسوعة تاریخ الفن : العین تسمع
والأذن ترى ، فنون العصور الوسطى ، الجزء الثانى
عشر ، الهیئة المصریة العامة للکتاب ، ج.م.ع ،
-3 ثروت عکاشة – موسوعة تاریخ الفن : العین تسمع
والأذن ترى ، فنون عصر النهضة ، الجزء التاسع ،
. الهیئة المصریة العامة للکتاب ، ج.م.ع ، 1987
المراجع الأجنبیة :
4-FredS.Kleiner, Christen J.Marmiya And
RichardG.Tansey, Gardner`SArt Through
The Ages, Eleventh Edition,
HarcourtCollege Publishers, The United
States Of America, 2002.
5-Hugh Honour And JohnFleming, A
Wold History Of Art, Revised Seventh
Edition, Laurence King Publishing, Great
Britain, 2009.
Janetta Rebold Benton, Art Of The
Middle Ages, Thames And Hudson World
Of Art, New York, United States, 2003.
7-Lory Frankel, Harry N. Abrams, Inc,
Publishers, New York, 2000.
8-TamaraVoronova And AndreiSterligov,
Western European Illuminated
Manuscripts 8th To 16th Centuries,
Sirrocco, London, 2003 .
9-Viviane MineSeve And Haver Kergall,
Romanesque And Gothic France
(Architecture And Sculpture), Translated
From French By JackHawkes And
المواقع الإلکترونیة :