المعلومات العلمية للعدد
کلية الفنون الجميلة ، جامعة حلوان
. 2005
/ العین تسمع و الأذن ترى، الجزء الحادى عشر، دار سعاد الصباا 1993، الطبعة الاولى.
المراجع الأجنبیة:
11- F. Mathews,Thomas. Byzantium
:From Antiquity to the Renaissance,Yale University Press, New Haven and London, .8991
12 - Rebold Benton, Janetta. Art of the Middle Ages, Thames & Hudson world of art, London, 2002.
13–Kleiner,Fred S and others. Gardner’s Art Through The Ages, eleventh edition, Harcourt College Publishers, 2001.
14–Williamson,Paul.Gothic Sculpture, 1140-1300, Yale University Press, Pelican History of Art, New Haven and London, 1995.
15– Honour,Hugh & Fleming,John. A World History of Art, revised seventh edition, Laurence King Publishing, 2009. 16–Levey, Michael. From Giotto to Cezanne a concise history of painting, Thames &Hudson,London,1992.
17–Rolf, Toman. Achim Bednorz, GOTHIC Architecture. Sculpture. Painting , Ullmann& Konemann,2007.
18– Seve, Viviane Minne. Kergall, Herve.
Romanesque and Gothic France
(Architecture and Sculpture), translated from the French by Jack Hawkes aand Lory Frankel, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York, 2000.
19 – Mazzanti, Anna. The Art of Florence in its Great Museums, Becocci Scala,1997.