logical Visualization in Gothic art



Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University


Almost in the middle of twelfth century AD in Europe, a new artistic movement had appeared. Several historians considered it as the first pure European art movement since classical antiquity. Its origination was coincided at the beginning of the emergence of cities in the modern sense of the form, which of course reflected socially, where a new class of people - city's inhabitants - the Bourgeois class. This class has a different intellectual structure which tend to the physical and experimental direction to interpret phenomena. Also its origination was coincided with the establishment of the universities for the first time as a separate institutions for the church and court authority. The evangelization of saints like Bernard of Clairvaux and Francis of Assisi, who relied on the principle of love and mercy as a means to spread Christianity was also efficient. Thus, the launch of the  twelfth century had began with an necessity to re-think the content of the overall theology concepts and uphold the value of some of them at the expense of the other.
This paper attempts to answer some questions such as: Does this change resulted in the social structure and the intellectual for that period to the development of new artistic concepts in dealing with religious or historical stories with a different perspective away from the usual symbolic ways  in Byzantine and the Romanesque arts? Was the cultural status of the Middle Ages represent such fertile ground for minds to accept the achievements of the Renaissance ? 
This research also aims to identify the bright spots in the Gothic culture, which represent the focal points of the overall transformation of Renaissance arts, as well as analysis of some artwork in the field of painting and sculpture and applied arts to explain the concept of "logical visualization" (Logical visual perception) when artists turned to portray what was going in the real world of sensory experience. The time that art arrived later to adopt value like (simulation) as an aesthetic value in Renaissance era that followed

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