A Designing strategy to activate the role of the Interactive Advertising in enriching internal environment of restaurants



Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Fifth Settlement


With multiple developments of interactive applying in different areas of design. recently,
there are growing in the trend towards considered the interactive Advertising a key
component within the components of internal marketing environment. The restaurants is
one of the internal environments which considered an ideal marketing environment to
apply the Interactive Advertising inside.
Therefore, the research problem stems from the need to put a design strategy to activate the
benefit of interactive advertising in the development and enriching the internal
environment of restaurants in order to increase the attractiveness for the recipient and
inserted him into a unique sensory experience that mental image of the restaurant.
So The research aims at shed light on multiple roles of interactive advertising to enrich the
internal environments and put a design strategy that activate the role of the Interactive
Advertising in enriching internal environment of restaurants.
To achieve the objectives of the research research divided into four parts, the first part
show the definition of the multiple roles of interactive advertising in the internal
environment of restaurant, while the second part tend to characteristics and types of
interactive advertising of restaurants, the third part deal with an analytical study of the
interactive advertising role through interactive restaurants models, while the fourth part put
a design strategy to activate the role of the interactive advertising in enriching internal
environment of restaurants .the research ended with the findings and recommendations.
The research concluded to present a design strategy that activate the role of the interactive
advertising in enriching internal environment of restaurants, and also there are an
efficiency in merge the ses the response of the recipient to the place and interactive idea
and so reinforce interactive advertising in internal environment of restaurants which increa
the mental image and identity of the restaurant for the recipient.

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